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I am a Type A endomorph. I struggle with weight. This is my Journey

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

6 WBMO - Susan's Preworkout Banana Bread Muffins

From member .... Trust me on this one! Make sure to get your share of these wonderful Banana Bread Muffins before offering to your family, cuz they will gobble them up faster than you can make more! Fabulous "meal on the go" before working out. 

BMOS Note: The use of ground oat flour may cause one to lose slowly, or for progress to stop. See recipe link for more information. 

Dry ingredients: Measure 1½ cups oats and grind in Magic Bullet, food processor or blender. Dump in large mixing bowl and add remaining 1½ cups whole dry oats. Add baking powder and cinnamon. Set aside.

Wet ingredients: In different large bowl combine 12 egg whites with extracts. Beat with whisk a little.

Combine dry and wet ingredients well. Then mash over ripened bananas and add to bowl. (I didn't totally smash the bananas, leaving a few chunks, which made these even more fabulous.)

Drop in 12 muffin tins. These do not raise very much, so fill cups totally full (not half full like you may be used to doing.)

Bake at 350* for 20-25 minutes. DO NOT OVERCOOK. Overcooked oats taste terrible. Each muffin contains ½ cup Carb, 1 oz Protein and ½ cup Fruit B. 

(For Preworkout) Compatible with Body Type:

Breakfast A-B-C-D-E
Morning Snack A-B-C-D-E
Afternoon Snack A-B-C-D-E 
PM Snack

(For Preworkout) Contains: Protein A, Carb B, Fruit B


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