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I am a Type A endomorph. I struggle with weight. This is my Journey

Saturday, February 27, 2016

6 WBMO - Oatmeal Custard

I make something like this for breakfast, I cook the oatmeal on the stovetop, in a non stick pan,  Add 1/3 cup liquid egg white, ( when the liquid is Almost evaporated, ) then I add cinnamon and maple flavor ( extract) and sweetner.

From member ..... Add cinnamon and/or artificial sweetener and enjoy this light, almost custardy, but chewy breakfast treat.

Cook your assigned amount of oatmeal in the microwave. Meanwhile, beat your egg whites with a fork. Add to the cooked oatmeal. Mix thoroughly and microwave on high one minute. Stir and microwave another minute. 

Compatible with Body Type:
Breakfast A-C-D-E
Morning Snack C-E
Lunch A-B-C-D-E
Afternoon Snack B-C-D
Dinner A-B-C-D-E
PM Snack

This Recipe Contains: Protein A, Carb B


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