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I am a Type A endomorph. I struggle with weight. This is my Journey

Monday, January 27, 2020

Singapore Rice Nodles

  • 4 oz rice noodles (Rice noodles or rice vermicelli usually comes packaged with 4 layers so I pulled one portion which is 4.375 dry oz)
  • ½ red pepper
  • ½ green pepper
  • 1 medium onion
  • nsa chicken stock or water for sautéing
  • 2 garlic cloves, pureed
  • 1 tablespoon nsa curry powder, dissolved in ¼ cup water

Soak noodles in boiling water for about 5-10 minutes. Thinly slice peppers and onion. Sauté in a little bit of water or chicken stock (I used homemade - no salt) for just a minute or two. Add pureed garlic cloves and water with dissolved curry powder. Simmer on high until half the water is gone and then add the noodles and toss and simmer until most of the liquid is evaporated.

You can have them as a side to something else or toss in some steamed shrimp and sprinkle some fresh lime juice over all.

Compatible with Body Type:
Breakfast A-C-D-E
Morning Snack C-E
Lunch A-B-C-D-E
Afternoon Snack B-C-D
Dinner A-B-C-D-E
PM Snack

This Recipe Contains: Carb B, Free Veggies


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